Wednesday, June 9, 2010


After many of our attempts to change our exercise and eating habits, it has pretty much died out after 2 weeks. But this time we are much more determined and it's still working for us. After all, it is for life. I'm learning more all the time about nutrition and that the things we grew up thinking aren't necessarily the best ways to eat. I don't fault my parents in the ways they fed us because that is how they ate growing up and how the world in general looks upon eating still. What you have to do to learn about anything is to study it out for yourself. It seems that when I'm open to get the help, it comes to me from acquaintances at the right time. Someone directed me to a site on the internet that is well worth looking at. It's called It is loaded with good information. I've only skimmed the surface of it and it will take a lot longer to see everything in there. But it's a start to a way that I want to change how I eat. I've learned about some of these things before, but slipped back into some bad habits again. So I am recommitting to good foods. Bruce as well has been studying some things and it is helping us. We're not trying to live forever, we just want to feel good and be healthy while we're alive.

Exercising makes us sore, but it's a good kind of sore. Bruce can feel a difference in how he is feeling in just the two weeks. He showed me his routine of using the weight machines at the gym and I will be do them also. They should be done three times a week, so I'll have to figure out when I do it. I will go tonight for a yoga class. We have been walking most days for at least 45 minutes. We take the dogs sometimes but don't get as much benefit because they keep stopping to explore and to rest in the shade. I've been working in our gardens quite a bit also. We have mostly flower gardens and I can work up a sweat like I did this morning pulling weeds, etc. It's enjoyable exercise. I always said when I get old, I want to just putter around in my gardens. We're growing a few vegetables also: lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, squash, and herbs. I love Utah but don't really love the long winters. If we could have the other three seasons all year, we could grow plants all the time.
So our progress in two weeks is a couple of pounds off each of us. I don't actually know how many off of Bruce but it's probably more like five. I know his face looks thinner and he's starting to fit into his clothes better. We both feel better and sleep better. That's progress I'd say, but only a start. We're hanging in there! Our 38th wedding anniversary was last Sunday, June 6th. The picture above was taken around the time we were married. We loved each other then and we love each other now. Think how far we've come....six children and almost eight grandchildren. Our goal is to be back to our sizes at that time or better. Too bad we will never look that young again though. Oh well!


Stacey and Andy said...

You two are so cute together! Always have. Congratulations on your anniversary and good luck in all your healthy life efforts! Thanks for mentioning I'll have to check it out.

Bruce and Jeri said...

I think it's just Love you guys! Jeri

Unknown said...

Candace and I went to a yoga class today and it kicked my butt. Afterward, we started our weight lifting workout. Needless to say, we were a little tired.

Choward said... also has some delicious recipes.

Susan Earl said...

Good for you guys - Happy Anniversary too!

Shila said...

you guys are amazing can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks