Monday, August 31, 2009

Sarah's Homecoming

I've been slow in getting a blog out about Sarah being home, but I was waiting to get pictures from her camera and I still don't have them. So for now, these are the ones from mine. We had many family and friends over for her homecoming sacrament meeting and dinner after. She gave an excellent talk on her mission. I know she touched many lives. And she speaks Russian very well!
This is how we see her quite often now, chatting with friends from Ukraine or studying, as she has started classes at the "U". She is majoring in Russian and International Relations.
She made Borche for us one night and it was delicious. I will have to make it regularly now. She says people in Ukraine eat it all the time because it is inexpensive and good for you.
Sarah was asked to speak at our ward's family home evening group a couple weeks ago. She took some souvenirs and told about her experiences. Great job, Sarah.
As an added bonus to the homecoming day for Sarah, we presented Bruce with his diploma for finishing up his bachelors degree. We made it official with Andy's cap I noticed we had in one of his boxes.
Here's the group shot of those who stayed for the ceremony. Thank you to everyone who made an effort to be with us. We know that many more would have come if they could.
We're especially grateful for Mom and Dad Garrard for driving all the way out here for Sarah's homecoming. We loved having them with us for over a week.
This was they day they drove off to go back to Alabama in their new Ford Hybrid. We were happy to hear they made it home safely. Thank you so much for coming! We enjoyed your visit and we love you!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Oh, those were the days of raising little boys.... and there were some interesting things they did!
Jared was our little clown and we want to remember him today on his birthday.

He made good choices all his life (so far) and now has a beautiful wife, Candace, who we all love.
Here are some of his birthdays from the past.

I seemed to always reach for my camera when the birthday cake came out. Have a great day, Jared and remember you are loved and appreciated very much!!!