Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doctor Visits and Dogs

We decided it was time to get ourselves updated on our checkups and shots, so we went for an eye exam and I needed a new prescription on glasses. I also got checked for glaucoma and will have another test next week as it looks suspicious. We will be picking up my new glasses in a few days which I will be wearing most of the time now. The world has gotten more blurry!
I also got a first one...last Wednesday. The worst part was the night before drinking the medicine to clean me out. If you've never done it, you have to drink a glassful every 15 minutes. By midnight I was very clean. Early the next morning, Bruce took me to the clinic where they gave me a sleepy injection and I promply fell asleep for about 45 minutes. When I woke up, I couldn't remember a thing...which is a good thing! I did have one polyp that the doctor removed and now I'm good for another five years. Sometime soon, I would also like our hearing checked. It's the pitts getting older.
While I rested up after the colonoscopy, I finished knitting Clarks' sweater. I think it's a little too bright!
Gucci looked a little sad after Andy and I took all the dogs to update their shots. She was also throwing up and had an occasional twitch in her leg. So Bruce and Andy took her to an after-hours animal clinic. She was having a reaction to the shots, probably because she is so small and they gave her a steroid and antihistamine which helped. She's only getting one shot at a time next time.
She's feeling her happy self again. Her pink bandage said "ouch" on it. We've had enough of doctors for awhile.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Raidon is facinated with gadgets and buttons. This day he wanted to try his hand at taking pictures. Here are some of the ones he took of Daddy Andy.....
our living room wall.....

Grandma Howard.... well her shoulder....

and himself. Not too bad for under 2 yrs. old. Below you'll see a shooting space toy he loves and a trick he and Andy like to do pretending to snore. They make me laugh! Sarah and Josh Davis, a friend, came to see us also.