Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time for Transfers

This will be Sister Howard's last transfer. She is happy to go to Mariuple, Ukraine to serve with Sister Ellison. We love you, Sarah!
We enjoyed a cookout at Jared and Candace's yesterday with Andy, Randie, and Raidon. It happened to be on our 37th wedding anniversary.
Our transfer (possibly our final one also) is going to be from this home in Draper,
to this one in Taylorsville later this month. Yay! Our own home finally!!!


Susan Earl said...

How exciting! I'm so happy for you guys. Your house is beautiful. Love, Susan

Pete & Lora said...

Yay! I can't believe Sarah is coming home already!!!! Time flies...Pete's brother is coming home from his mission like a week before that as well from Northern/Central CA.
That is really exciting about the house too! We dream about the day we will get into our own as well. Your family is growing - all of these cute babies!