Wednesday, June 13, 2012

JUNE 2012

Our Utah family decided to get together for Memorial Day. Michael Gregson was with us for the weekend and Andy was working.  We visited Hogle Zoo with the babies and Mike took videos of the animals. 
It was very crowded and warm, but we had a good time.  Then we went to Sarah and Denys' apartment courtyard and had a cookout.  The kids got to swing at the playground and with each other on our blankets.
  The guys grilled steaks and veggies for our dinner.  Even though it was a day of fun for us (and a day off work) I want to pay tribute and remember our service men and loved ones that have passed on.  And while I'm showing their pictures, Happy Father's Day this month to our brave and honorable fathers!
Wilford Howard
Benoni and Archie Garrard
On June 2nd, Bruce and I took a little trip to Washington to visit the two families there.   We were able to fly into Portland where Lee and Emily picked us up.  We stopped at Costco to buy a playhouse for their "kid's play area".  Lee got it halfway put together that night before we went to the Forest Festival where the kids went on some rides and we ate Mexican food.  Joshua loved the rides and wasn't one bit afraid.

The next day we attended Church with Lee's family and I went to Emily's class.  That evening we attended the Seminary Graduation that Lee conducted as the Stake Seminary Director.  Whitney will graduate next year and Zachary begins his first year in the fall. Whitney and I played the piano together to accompany the opening and closing songs.
On Monday, Lee and the two youngest kids drove us to the Amtrak station so we could have a new experience of riding the train to Vancouver.  Joshua was very excited to see trains coming and going and would say, "Toot- Toot!"  Emily found the letter "E" outside in the brick work and decorated it with the beautiful Rhododendron flowers that had fallen from bushes.  Those bushes are all over the place up there this time of year!
After we boarded the train, Bruce and I had a very enjoyable ride.  We recommend it highly.  Spencer and Wyatt picked us up at the station in Vancouver where we spent the next two days with their family. 
Both Lee and Spencer have built great chicken coops this year for their back yards.  The chickens are still young, but soon they will enjoy having their own eggs.  They also both have beautiful gardens and enjoy eating from them.  Karyn and Jane are a big help there also.
The next day was Wyatt's last day of preschool for the year, so we went to watch.  The class celebrated his 4th birthday (since it is on July 31st).  He got to wear a crown and they sang "Happy Birthday" to him.  When class was over, Spencer helped Wyatt pass out playdough and Smarties to everyone.
That evening, Spencer, Jane, and Wyatt attended the dinner for the students and their parents while Bruce and I babysat Norah.  I can't believe what a good baby she is!  She did just what she was suppose to do without a fuss.  I fed her a snack, read to her, and put her in her crib.  She drinks from a cup all by herself now and she will only be two in October.  Children grow so fast and we don't want to miss out on the special times of their lives. 
The next day we all went for a nice long walk to the Columbia River where there is a nice little park by a beach.  The kids enjoyed the playground.  The next morning, Spencer drove us to the Portland Airport and we flew home.  This day was actually our 40th Wedding Anniversary.  I can't think of a better way to spend time with my hubby than to travel and be with our children.  It has been a real ride!


Susan Earl said...

Very nice to hear about your anniversary trip to see your kids and grandchildren. Thanks again for taking Mike over the week end. He had a nice time with your family. Happy Father's Day to Bruce this Sunday!

Denis & Sarah said...

Mom, I love you so much. You and Dad are great parents and super grandparents. It was fun to read about your trip and see how our family is doing on the coast.