and....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER HOWARD born August 3rd!We are excited to welcome our 7th grandchild to the family! A precious boy to Lee and Karyn. He was 8 pounds 2 ounces and 21 inches long. His blessing will be the first Sunday of September at the Shelton branch for anyone able to attend. Bruce and I will be driving up there with Jared and Candace for that weekend.
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JARED on August 27th!!! It's so nice living close to you guys and having you over every Sunday for dinner. Candace's birthday was on July 16th. Had to wish her happy birthday early because we were gone to Washington on that day. You are a great daughter-in-law and we love you, Candace!!!
Whitney flew in from Washington the end of July to attend EFY at Utah State University in Logan for the 2nd year. We drove her to and from and had a little fun with her while she was here.
The fireworks at Liberty Park may not have been the most exciting, but it was fun to be together. There were a lot of fire engine sirens and we found out later that there was an accident around the site where they were setting off the fireworks. Some people were injured, so I am glad we were farther back!
Whitney enjoyed EFY.
And she was proud to find her room where she stayed that week.
We were lucky to have Raidon over to our house for a couple of days while his mom rode horses in the rodeo. We tried to give him a fun time.
He loves to play in a little swimming pool we put in our back yard. He loved his Fruit Loop necklace he helped to make.
And one evening, Bruce and I took him to the aquarium in Sandy.
He kept wanting to sit on this frog.
And was very interested in the fish.
Then it was time for our Howard Family Reunion we have been planning since the first of the year. Everyone, except Sarah (because she is still in Ukraine), met at a rented summer home we found in Garden Valley, Idaho. We had time to sit around and just be silly. Like making pipe-cleaner glasses.
Our buddy, Wyatt, kept his on for a while.
Great Grandma Howard and Whitney found time to play a game of Chess.
We got to meet our new grandson for the first time. The weather was beautiful and we found the river that was nearby where the kids got to wade in the water.
Diane and Dallon brough Sophie along and it was good for her to get to know all her Howard cousins.
She fits in with all the other little blondies in our family.
Zachary, Whitney, and Emily had fun finding pretty rocks.
Spencer and Emily tried splashing each other with water.
Jane is expecting our 8th grandchild in October.
It was a good time for Andy and Raidon to spend together.
These are the three closest in age. Wyatt and Raidon are two and Sophie is three.