I also got a colonscopy...my first one...last Wednesday. The worst part was the night before drinking the medicine to clean me out. If you've never done it, you have to drink a glassful every 15 minutes. By midnight I was very clean. Early the next morning, Bruce took me to the clinic where they gave me a sleepy injection and I promply fell asleep for about 45 minutes. When I woke up, I couldn't remember a thing...which is a good thing! I did have one polyp that the doctor removed and now I'm good for another five years. Sometime soon, I would also like our hearing checked. It's the pitts getting older.
While I rested up after the colonoscopy, I finished knitting Clarks' sweater. I think it's a little too bright!
Gucci looked a little sad after Andy and I took all the dogs to update their shots. She was also throwing up and had an occasional twitch in her leg. So Bruce and Andy took her to an after-hours animal clinic. She was having a reaction to the shots, probably because she is so small and they gave her a steroid and antihistamine which helped. She's only getting one shot at a time next time.